Searched for Nemo, but found a giant instead.

I went in search of Nemo and found, instead this 30 year old Giant Gourami. 
What an amazing fish. This one is at Hi-Tek Aquariums in Brookvale. He must have weighed several kilos and about a half metre in length. He was very well cared for in a several metres long, densely planted edges, with room left in the centre of the tank for him to swim. I am told that Giant Gouramis are no longer imported to Australia, so this was a rare sight, and worth visiting Hi-Tek Aquariums just to see this fellow.
There a several other species of Gouramis available that are suited to a tank and are easy to keep. They can grow rapidly given sufficient food and space to move. Even under less than ideal conditions, gourami can grow from 7.5 cm to 50 cm in four years. 
Like most aquarium dwellers, gouramis can be quickly raised with larger, more passive fish. 
Gouramis tend towards herbivory, preferring algae-based foods, but will eat meaty foods. An algae-based flake food, along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp, provides these fish with the proper nutrition while young. Once of significant size, they can be fed legumes, partially or fully cooked fibrous or starchy vegetables, or fruits.


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