Talk to a Rosella and he just gives a little whistle.
Rosellas are native to southeast Australia. They inhabit open forests, woodlands, gardens and parks. Their diet consists many types of native grass seeds, herbs, fruits and flowering buds. Rosellas are often sought out as pet birds because of their beautiful plumage.
They can be sociable with constant interaction, and will still retain their pet quality in an aviary situation if you spend time with them. Rosellas are capable of loud chatter, especially in the morning and in the evening.
Not great talkers, the Rosella’s natural call is a series of pleasant whistles, and they can be taught to whistle a tune. Rosellas need space and a good diet to help them thrive.
The largest cage you can afford is ideal, but be careful that the bars are the correct spacing for a bird with this head size. An aviary situation is ideal for rosellas, which will live peacefully with others of their kind in a large enough space. Rosellas love to bathe, so provide a shallow dish of water for them to bathe in. A standard diet for a rosella should include various seeds, and lots of fruit and vegetables. These birds are reported to live for more than 25 years if cared-for properly.
The largest cage you can afford is ideal, but be careful that the bars are the correct spacing for a bird with this head size. An aviary situation is ideal for rosellas, which will live peacefully with others of their kind in a large enough space. Rosellas love to bathe, so provide a shallow dish of water for them to bathe in. A standard diet for a rosella should include various seeds, and lots of fruit and vegetables. These birds are reported to live for more than 25 years if cared-for properly.
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